At Carrots & Cake we’re committed to teaching clients nutrition information in a realistic and simply way.

Nita Sharda

I am a Registered Dietitian, a wife, an absolute foodie and founder/owner of Carrots and Cake Balanced Nutrition Consulting. My interest in food was sparked when I was a little girl. I would often spend time in the kitchen admiring my mother’s touch with Indian cuisine. It was the time I spent working at my family’s convenience store that eventually lead me to pursuing a career in Dietetics. It was in this environment I felt comfortable offering educational opportunities to people about nutrition. In 2013, I brought Carrots and Cake to life.

I believe that some people have lost sight of what it means to truly eat mindfully and informatively; I support a balanced approach to nutrition (with room to play!) and encourage my clients to take joy in preparing simple and tasty meals. In working with me, you’ll receive accurate information with accountability. Dietitians are a part of your whole health—work with me to create realistic and individualized goals that allow for lasting lifestyle changes.


Nita’s areas of expertise:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • Pre and post natal nutrition

  • Infant feeding and Baby Led Weaning

  • Prediabetes and prevention

  • Type II Diabetes management

  • Elevated cholesterol

  • Fatty liver disease

  • Plant-based eating

Kind Words about Nita

Baby Led Weaning Testimonials

As a first time mom, it’s quite overwhelming to figure out how to transition your infant to solid foods. There is so much information out there that I became even more confused. I did not even consider seeing a dietitian until Nita offered her BLW workshop. The wealth of knowledge she offered, from how to introduce different types of foods by Baby Led Weaning, to meal plan ideas, allergy concerns - it was a one stop shop. Nita is such an approachable individual who is always at hand to answer any questions, even after the workshop is over. I felt 100 percent confident feeding my 10 month old and now my baby eats everything I eat. JE

Nita’s Baby Led Feeding workshop gave me the confidence I needed to start feeding solids. Nita was so helpful throughout the whole process, she went above and beyond to answer and ease all my ‘first time mom’ concerns with her encouragement and knowledge, referenced by articles and reviews. Her recipes and recommendations were also a hit with my 6 month old! Thank you so much Nita! EK

I had the pleasure of hosting Nita’s Baby Led Weaning (BLW) workshop for my close girlfriends at my house. Right from first contact, Nita was accommodating and very easy to talk to. Responded to my emails in a timely and professional manner, arrived on time and was prepared. My girlfriends and I agreed her workshop was amazing! She knowledgeable and passionate of her craft and shares personal stories every mom can relate to. The information within her presentation was useful, clear and understandable and I learned a lot of about BLW. She took some time and stayed longer and answered any remaining questions we had that wasn’t covered in her slides.

I would definitely recommend her to any of my friends or family who would like to learn more about BLW and for anyone looking for an excellent dietitian.

Culinary Nutrition Testimonial

I initially started seeing Nita for nutrition expertise around living a vegetarian lifestyle. I had visited her website and tried some recipes and was super keen to learn from her. She helped me add more plant-based protein into my diet and to snack with more intention, making the snacks 'count' and sustain me. Upon expecting our first child, my husband and I decided to both see her to learn to eat healthier as a couple, and also to ensure optimal nutrition in pregnancy. This ranged from FaceTime sessions with heaps of great information and resources, to in-home culinary sessions in which we meal prepped with Nita. My husband and I both learned a lot about meat preparation (not my specialty being a lifelong vegetarian), as well as planning for the week and making life easier with meal prepping. It has been incredibly useful and I recommend Nita to absolutely anyone as she has a wealth of knowledge, and is extremely personable and professional. Thank you for all your help, resources, tips and tricks! VP

Private Nutrition Testimonial (Male, Chronic Disease Management)

After I was diagnosed with Diabetes ll, my doctor recommended I consult with a Dietitian, and I met with Nita Sharda. We discussed my daily diet in regard to sugars, general digestive health, cholesterol numbers, blood sugar and high blood pressure (which I also have) and ways of managing these health issues. We also discussed exercise needs.
I had a number of consultations with Nita and through her, developed a good understanding of the inter relationship between what I was eating, food and exercise options, my general health and specific health conditions. As a result, I made lifestyle changes and have noticed a significant and positive change in my overall health. The sessions Nita provided were engaging, informative, clear and addressed my specific needs. I highly recommend her counseling service.

Private Nutrition Testimonial - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Nita has been so helpful in my journey of understanding PCOS and managing it in a healthy way. Before seeing her I was feeling guilty (because of the cravings I was getting), deflated and just so down on myself. She provided support and encouragement but also knowledge and resources that helped me gain a better understanding of how my body was working and what it needed. We came up with a plan that included some nutrition goals that would help my body function better. And this was key for me too: WE came up with a plan which meant that I was able to actually implement it successfully. Seeing her resulted in positive changes for myself. I feel stronger mentally and am doing better physically with managing my PCOS! I couldn’t be more thankful to Nita and highly recommend her for anyone who is struggling with PCOS and looking to establish and meet goals for a healthy lifestyle!

Private Nutrition Testimonial (Female, Cholesterol Management)

Nita is able to provide simple, practical  solutions to improving your diet. She provides encouragement and goal setting strategies without being judgmental. Nita makes lifestyle changes fun and provides support and inspiration to keep you moving forward with your health goals. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her!

Nita in the News

CTV Morning - Feeding Your Baby Solid Food


CTV Morning - Keeping Hydrated

Follow Nita @nita_sharda on Instagram!

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