#GNI Indian Style: Fudgy Coconut Ladoo
Carrots and Cake, Nita Sharda
Yes, dessert first! I've mentioned in previous posts that I prefer to always let my guests know that a dessert will be served. If the dessert is all set to be eaten, I don't mind plating and having it available to my guests to eat. First. I know what you're thinking: won’t they fill up on dessert and not eat the meal? Maybe, but maybe not.
Here are a few reasons why I choose to serve dessert first. For starters: I hate it when guests choose not to eat dessert because maybe they reached their "fullness" cue shortly after dinner. That's fair. And, I'm not one to force anyone to have dessert because chances are, it may not make them feel well (even if it happens to be a low calorie dessert such as fruit). Secondly: I believe in offering people choice. Simple as that. And lastly, for those caring for young children, serving dessert first or with a meal takes the reward factor out. Children shouldn't be coerced into eating their meat, veggies, milk etc because they've got a dessert waiting for them. Serving dessert with a meal and avoiding using it as a reward are big leaps of faith, but the return is amazing.
For the GNI my friend Courtney Rae of 'The Fig Tree' blog brought two items. One of them happens to be this easy and yummy Fudgy Coconut Ladoo. Imagine a ball of coconut goodness with a touch of cardamom that hits your sweet spot but without driving you into a sugar crash. The original recipe was created by a lovely vegan food blogger, Richa. She has recently launched her first cookbook titled Vegan Richa's Indian Kitchen: Traditional and Creative Recipes for the Home Cook. If you want to get your hands on this baby, click here. In the mean time, whip these babies up yourself by clicking here to visit the recipe details on Richa's website!
Spotted! Christine and Jennifer Ashley ('Pretty Little Details') with the uber delicious ladoos. They were all gone!
Nita Sharda, Carrots and Cake
Nita Sharda, Carrots and Cake
Before you leave, check out this fun stop motion video about the girls night in I hosted, trust me you, you're going want to see it! It's pretty darn cute if I don't say so myself!